The spirometry filter minimizes the growth of microorganisms. These lightweight, white filters are designed to fit snugly around the patient’s mouth, are hypoallergenic, and are single-use. They offer minimal resistance to incoming airflow, making them highly suitable for spirometry testing while effectively preventing the transmission of infections and viruses.
Antibacterial filters are commonly used in hospital and medical settings to prevent the passage and spread of microbes, bacteria, and other infectious particles. These filters are made from materials that absorb bacteria and viruses, preventing their proliferation on the filter surface. This property is usually achieved by adding antimicrobial compounds to the filter. Antibacterial filters come in various types and sizes, including mechanical and electrostatic filters, which use dense fibers or electrical charges to trap suspended particles and microbes. These filters are particularly effective in respiratory equipment such as spirometers and ventilators and play a key role in reducing hospital-acquired infections.
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