Academic, Articles

What is a nephrostomy and what is its use?

Nephrostomy surgery is for the temporary treatment of patients whose urinary tracts have problems and the patient cannot expel urine through the bladder and urinary tracts. In this surgical method, an artificial slit is created in the side of the patient and a flexible plastic tube is placed inside it so that the patient’s urine can be directly discharged from this part. This tube remains in the patient’s side until the patient’s complete recovery and until the end of the treatment period. What is renal nephrostomy? Nephrostomy is the insertion of a thin plastic tube into the kidneys of patients whose urethra is blocked. This problem occurs when a person has cancer of the colon, ovary, pyonephrosis, hydronephrosis, or kidney stones. The surgeon inserts the nephrostomy tube into the kidney by making an incision on the patient’s side. What is a nephrostomy tube and how is it placed inside the kidney? The nephrostomy tube is a soft and flexible tube that does not cause any problems when entering the patient’s body. One end of this tube is placed in the patient’s body and enters the kidney, and the other end is connected to the bag. When the kidney is full, the urine enters the bag through the tube. Conditions for performing nephrostomy The placement of this tube is done on an outpatient basis, the doctor cuts the desired area without anesthetizing the patient, just with a sedative and local anesthesia. First, the doctor inserts a needle into the nephrostomy to remove urine, then the needle is removed from the kidney, and finally, the plastic tube remains inside the patient’s body so that urine can be drained automatically. Application of nephrostomy With a nephrostomy, it enters the bag through the nephrostomy tube without forcing the patient or interfering with his urine output. After each time this bag is filled, it should be emptied by the people around the patient, and the bag should not be so full and heavy that the tube is separated from the patient’s kidney. Rather, it should be emptied after each urination. Care after nephrostomy In order for the doctor to be sure of the functioning of the nephrostomy, he will monitor the patient for 8 to 12 hours. The use of nephrostomy is for the correct exit of urine from the plastic tube. At first, the urine coming out of the tube may be accompanied by a little blood. Then the urine gradually becomes clear. After this surgery, the patient feels severe pain for several days, which is relieved by taking painkillers. After the doctor is sure that the nephrostomy function is correct and the urine exits from the tube, the patient can leave the hospital, but this tube remains in the patient’s kidneys until the disease and the cause of urinary tract blockage are resolved.

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